Blitz & Haze
Black and Yellow
Since joining Team FLK Blitz has been very consistent! Passing 16 of 17 Master Test, 3 Master Nationals, 7 for 7 in HRC Finished and all 3 Grands he's ran. Very athletic and fast. Friendly and affectionate. I have had the pleasure of hunting with Blitz and many occasions, and I would say he's as good as they come.
Sometimes I affectionately call Haze "Crazy Hazy" and it's a term of endearment! First off, she is very affectionate and loves jumping into my lap. Often without warning. She loves to retrieve anything. As soon as She's let out, she looks for sticks, branches or even logs. Anything that she can use to taunt the rest of the pack with. She loves to get everyone riled up!
3xGRHRCH Bill’s Blitz Package MH MNH HOF
HRCH Sundog's Arctic Timber MH QA2 & SHR Premier's Carbon Black Pearl
SHR Big Cottonwood's Hilltop Haze
SRSACC SRSAC GRHRCH Sweetbriar's Smokin' Joe MH QA2 & 3xGRHRCH Hardy Lakes Jumping Marley MH
Black and Yellow
Since joining Team FLK Blitz has been very consistent! Passing 16 of 17 Master Test, 3 Master Nationals, 7 for 7 in HRC Finished and all 3 Grands he's ran. Very athletic and fast. Friendly and affectionate. I have had the pleasure of hunting with Blitz and many occasions, and I would say he's as good as they come.
Sometimes I affectionately call Haze "Crazy Hazy" and it's a term of endearment! First off, she is very affectionate and loves jumping into my lap. Often without warning. She loves to retrieve anything. As soon as She's let out, she looks for sticks, branches or even logs. Anything that she can use to taunt the rest of the pack with. She loves to get everyone riled up!
3xGRHRCH Bill’s Blitz Package MH MNH HOF
HRCH Sundog's Arctic Timber MH QA2 & SHR Premier's Carbon Black Pearl
SHR Big Cottonwood's Hilltop Haze
SRSACC SRSAC GRHRCH Sweetbriar's Smokin' Joe MH QA2 & 3xGRHRCH Hardy Lakes Jumping Marley MH